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Repertoire search (enhanced access)

Who are the creators of a song? Which publishers are involved in a musical work? The GEMA repertoire search provides you with the answers. With the enhanced access for GEMA members you have even more functions at your fingertips, as it offers a more sophisticated research of our works database: your own works are shown together with the relevant shares and the data can be exported. 

Please logout directly from the service once you are finished with your searches! This is to ensure that your data does not fall into the wrong hands.

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Repertoiresuche aktuell nicht erreichbar

Liebe Mitglieder, aufgrund einer technischen Störung sind die Online Services Repertoiresuche (alt)EBV und Vergütungsfreie Lizenzen aktuell nicht erreichbar. Wir arbeiten an einer Lösung und danken für Ihr Verständnis.

This is how you get enhanced access

The enhanced repertoire access is an online service, exclusively for GEMA members. To use it, you need a GEMA account, and the online services must be activated for you. (Other users do not really require the additional functionalities and simply use the standard repertoire search.)

We have provided instructions for you here. Please note the special feature if you are still in the process of becoming a GEMA member.

This is how you use the enhanced repertoire search

Watch this video to find out how you can use the additional functions of the repertoire search:

  • Creators and publishers can generate their own work reports.
  • Find an IPI name number.
  • Export the works into different formats, e.g. into pdf.
  • Use the IWA export which makes work changes easier.

Important note: Since we recently freshened up the appearance of, the screens of the website shown in the video are no longer up to date, whereas those of the repertoire search are. 

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Glossary for the enhanced repertoire search


Internationally recognised and unique name identifier for creators or publisher.

CWR file

Common Works Registration (work declaration format for publishers). Please enter the file number of the publisher submitting the declaration.


Performing artist (singer/band) – optional information for a work version or a work.
Shown under “other persons” in the extended display. 


International Standard Work Code - internationally recognised number for musical works. Each version of a work has its own ISWC.

Registration status

1 = this work version has been registered and is distributable
2 = this work version has been registered and is not yet distributable

Agreement number/schedule number

GEMA work list number linked to a sub-publishing agreement for the territory of Germany. The search result shows you all the works pertaining to this sub-publishing agreement.

Publisher work code

Publishers’ own work numbers (PWC - publisher work code)

Work number

GEMA work number without work version. All work versions relating to this number are displayed.

Work / work version number

GEMA work number plus indication of the work version. Only this work version is displayed.

GEMA members have extended access to the repertoire search function. In order to use it, you need an account and an activation. Here is how you do this.

Entering search terms


  • all letters of the German alphabet – umlauts and ß are automatically converted into AE, OE, UE and SS
  • no diacritical marks, such as (accents = É/È, cedille= Ç, tilde = Ñ)
  • There may be variations in spelling a title - e.g. a number can either be shown as a word for the numeral or in digits. Example: TAUSENDMAL BERUEHRT 1000 MAL IST NICHTS PASSIERT

Search option

Here is a  screenshot for this step.

Search for 

  • Title, author/publisher, CAE/IPI, CWR file
  • these search criteria can be combined with a search criterion from line 2 ("AND")
  • performer, ISWC, agreement number/scheduler, publisher work number, work/work version number and work numbe
  • cannot be combined with search criteria from line 2 ("AND")
  • Search criteria line 2: CAE/IPI, author/publisher, performer , status and publisher. When searching with the publisher IP number, the search can be combined with line 2 “publisher is - original publisher” or “publisher is - sub-publisher”, or with registration status. 

Search settings

  • Starts with: First part of the title (minimum of 5 letters)
    Example: You are searching for ATEMLOS and obtain the title ATEMLOS DURCH DIE NACHT. 
  • Exact: entire title
    Example: You are searching for ATEMLOS and do not obtain the title ATEMLOS DURCH DIE NACHT. 
  • Contains: Parts of the title (minimum of 5 letters)
    Example: You are searching for DURCH DIE NACHT and thus also obtain the title ATEMLOS DURCH DIE NACHT. 
Result display

Here is a  screenshot for this step.

Basic display 

  • Title of the work version, duration, ISWC, GEMA work code, contributors: author/publisher, CAE/IPI, role (of the contributor) 
  • For your own works: AR society and shares (PR = performing rights) and VR society and shares (MR = mechanical rights) for Germany. These details are not visible for third-party works. 
  • Contact details of the GEMA original publishers or GEMA sub-publishers --> please click on the role highlighted in red and the address details will open  

Enhanced display 

  • opens by clicking on the work title
  • Information from basic display plus represented creators (allocation of authors to the relevant publisher/s), agreement number, schedule number, leading publisher, other persons (example: performer). 
  • Other titles (example: beginning of the lyrics), registration status with additional information: “Authors and publishers’ information subject to definitive clarification”, instrumentation, respective copyright protection term, work version number, first uploaded, last update, ISRC, publisher work code, society work code, version type, music and lyrics rearrangements
  • The enhanced display can be printed as a pdf

Short version

  • By ticking the box next to the search query, a short version of the results is displayed.
  • Details: Title of the version, duration, ISWC, GEMA work code, participant (author/publisher)


Here is a screenshot for this step.

By clicking on the “export” button, the results can be saved in one of the available formats. Exports in CWR format are stored in the data download section of the services for 30 days. If the data is ready for download, you will be notified via e-mail. If you need to narrow down your export, you can select from a range of additional options. It is important that the pdf parameters “detailed pages” (only own works) are ticked the pdf format in order to display and export the shares.

Musical works (enhanced access)

Who are the authors and publishers linked to a musical work? An enhanced access for GEMA members to our works database offers a more sophisticated research: your own works are shown together with the relevant shares and the data can be exported.

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