Press release / 26 October 2023

Global creators’ collections grow by a record 26.7% to EUR12.1 billion in 2022

CISAC has published its global collections report for the financial year 2022. According to the report, the global creative industry has fully recovered from the corona pandemic. Global revenues from music rights exceed the 10 billion euro mark for the first time.

Paris – 26 October 2023 – Global royalty collections for creators reached a historical high point of EUR12.1 billion in 2022, growing by a record 26.7% in a full recovery from the pandemic. Collections are now 19.8% higher than their pre-pandemic level, driven by continued strong growth in digital income and a recovery in live and public performance.

Digital collections, boosted by continued growth of streaming and subscription, rose to EUR4.2 billion. Digital income has doubled since the pre-COVID level of 2019 and is now, for the first time, creators’ biggest income stream, overtaking TV and radio, with 35% of total collections.

These are some of the key takeaways of the 2023 Global Collections Report published by CISAC (International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers). The report provides comprehensive data and analysis of collections across all repertoires including music, audiovisual, visual arts, literature, and drama.

Royalties from live and public performance, including concerts, background, exhibitions and theatres rose 69.9% to EUR2.7 billion. The sector fell short of complete recovery, however, remaining 7.9% below its pre-pandemic level as local events and smaller venues still struggled to match the recovery in international tours and big festivals.

In a significant rebalancing of income streams since the start of the pandemic, digital collections are up 100%, TV and radio up 4.6% and live and public performance down 7.9% on their pre-COVID levels of 2019.

All regions and all repertoires saw collections growth in 2022. Music collections, the largest segment, rose a record 28% to EUR10.8 billion, 21.4% up on 2019.

Download press materials

CISAC Global Collections Report 2023 (download pdf)

Highlights at a glance (download pdf)

Music highlights at a glance (download pdf)

Press photo Dr. Tobias Holzmüller (GEMA CEO | credit: Sebastian Linder)

CISAC press release


Dr. Tobias Holzmüller, GEMA CEO, comments on the results of the CISAC report: „Digital uses such as streaming and social media have grown to become the largest source of income for authors in 2022. That is a remarkable success. This development is due not least to the tireless efforts to create a fair legal framework for online platforms. Nevertheless, we cannot sit back and relax now. With the rapid development of generative artificial intelligence, the music sector is already facing the next major upheaval. Together with our sister societies, GEMA is fighting to ensure that AI supports human creativity, but does not displace and exploit it. That is why we advocate for smart AI regulation that creates transparency and effectively protects intellectual property rights.“

Commenting on the Report CISAC Director General Gadi Oron says: “This is a remarkable return to growth as our whole sector fully recovers from the disastrous three-year pandemic. While live and public performance have bounced back strongly, the recovery is driven most of all by digital which has now become creators’ largest source of income. Streaming and subscription have not just revived the status quo, they have transformed the market, changed the game for creators and paved the way for future growth”.

Writing in his foreword to the Report, CISAC President Björn Ulvaeus, looks ahead to the future impact of AI on creators’ collections. “This year’s results show that the collective management system, despite all the enormous challenges it faces in adapting to digital, is still robust and effective. CMOs have the backs of the creators they serve and are now delivering more money to more creators than ever before. And that is good news – because, fresh from COVID and the economic squeeze, what we now face is another very serious, existential challenge – that of Artificial intelligence. AI will radically change the world for creators and the creative industry. It demands international leadership and a strong united front from all parts of the creative industry”.

Marcelo Castello Branco, CISAC Board Chair, comments in his foreword: “The numbers in this Report demonstrate that our global collective management community is experiencing an extraordinary wave of change. While it's fantastic that collections have reached record levels, we cannot ignore the growing inequalities and imbalances between different regions, income streams, and large and small societies. We must address these issues head-on, with CISAC leading the way. This means improving systems, resolving data problems, advocating for creators' rights, and maintaining the solidarity of our community”.


CISAC – the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers – is the world’s leading network of authors’ societies (also referred to as Collective Management Organisations, or CMOs). CISAC protects the rights and represents the interests of creators worldwide. With 225 member societies in 116 countries, CISAC represents over four million creators of music, audio-visual, drama, literature, and visual arts.

About GEMA

In Germany, GEMA represents the copyrights of about 90,000 members (composers, lyricists, music publishers) and over two million rights owners from around the globe. It is one of the world's largest authors' societies for musical works.


Press contacts

Ein Portrait von Ursule Goebel, Pressekontakt der GEMA.
Ursula Goebel
Director of Communications
+49 89 48003 426
Porträt von Nadine Remus
Nadine Remus
Head of Corporate Communications
+49 89 48003 583
Ein Portrait von Adrian Strain, Pressekontakt der GEMA.
Adrian Strain
CISAC’s Director of Communications
+44 7775 998 294