Claiming unpaid royalties for Audio Media and Audio-Visual Media use
These types of use fall within the following distribution categories:
- Mechanical Right in Audio Media (Phono VR)
- Mechanical Right in Audio-Visual Media (BT VR)
Points to check
Did you register your works on time and they have been used but you have not received any royalties, or do you believe the royalties you received were too low?
Please go to our Online Portal to claim your missing royalties. Our simple interactive form will take you through a series of questions to gather the information we need to investigate your concern.
The interactive form in our Online Portal will take you through a series of questions to gather the information we need to process your request. The information you will be asked to provide will include:
Information we need from you
We need the following information from you:
Title of audio medium
Release date
Type of audio medium, e.g. CD, Vinyl, DVD
Name and address of manufacturer
Number of copies
Title of the work
Work number
Deadline for claiming missing royalties:
3 months after the distribution date
In a nutshell
We have produced a leaflet that provides all the essential information about claiming unpaid royalties for Audio Media and Audio-Visual Media use. You can download it as a PDF through the link given below: