This is how you report your music at trade fairs – your GEMA license

Your GEMA license
Those who play music in public, do, however, need the permission of the creators. As a collective management organisation, we look after their exploitation rights. That means that you get a license from us - GEMA - to play music at your trade fair booth. Just buy the required ticket and play the music you want. Have fun and success with... the Sound of Music!
Simple, quick, legally compliant. 3 tickets to choose from. Buy first, listen later.
Listen To The Music
For music at booths
More, More, More
For music at the booth and video playback (depends on sq ft)
I Want It All
For music at the booth and video playback + booth party (depends on sq ft)
We help you with your registration
Please indicate the scope of music use at your trade fair booth. A member of the GEMA field service helps you with your registration; they will provide you with the required day ticket once you have settled your bill. After that, you are done with everything, no further steps required, and you are on the safe side legally. Sounds good, right?
If you do not have contact with a GEMA employee, read here how to register online.

Why you register Robbie Williams & Co. separately
If you really want to hold a concert at your trade fair booth, irrespective whether you want to hire a local band or one of the big names in pop or rock, you need to register the respective event separately. A member of the GEMA field service is happy to help you with that.
Why do I have to pay GEMA for trade fair booths?
The right to an adequate remuneration is laid down by copyright law. By the way: copyright is applicable in any case - and thus independently of GEMA as an organisation. You do have an advantage using us: Instead of having to contact and pay each creator individually, you simply get in touch with us, and thus get access to the musical world repertoire. After all, we do not just represent the rights of our members but of more than two million rightsholders abroad as well.
Warum muss ich als Messestand an die GEMA zahlen?

Musik am Messestand online anmelden – so funktioniert's
FAQ – frequently asked questions about GEMA and the fair
First things first: We distinguish between background music (permanent, constant music use) and events.
Background music is referred to as the constant exposure to music of customers who are thus acoustically accompanied in a gentle way on their journey through the trade fair booths. It creates a feel-good atmosphere while remaining in the background. The license is acquired with one of the three tickets (this means that it does not have to be registered additionally).
Events, on the other hand, are time-limited individual sessions including booth parties which are only included in the “all inclusive” ticket. For all other events such as DJ events, music comedies, horse shows, live music interludes, you require a separate license, in other words, you register them separately.
Characteristics of events are, among other things, that they are taking place for a specific reason, that they are possibly advertised in the run-up, that they serve the purpose of targeted entertainment for the visitors and that you as the organiser of the trade fair booth need to pay an additional fee for them.
FAQ — häufige Fragen von Musikvereinen an die GEMA
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Bei Fragen zu pauschalvertragsrelevanten Inhalten, wenden Sie sich bitte an den jeweiligen Ansprechpartner ihres Verbandes.